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  • 05.03.2013Nmap Scripts supported!
    We are happy to announce that our Nmap Online Scanner supports Nmap scripts. You can now use Nmap options related to scripting such as -A, -sC, -sV, --script, --script-args. Over 200 scripts are supported at the moment. Please read the documentation on Nmap Online's page for more information – especially about which Nmap scripts are supported.
  • 12.01.2013Blog
    We have launched Online Domain Tools Blog. Please read the first short post for more information.
  • 02.01.2013Happy New Year with Improvements

    Best wishes for 2013 to all of you! Hopefully 2012 was great for you and 2013 will be even better! We are happy that we can start the new year with two significant improvements of our tools.

    First of all, check out new features of our Website Link Checker. Newly, you can specify whether you want to check the pages across the whole domain or just within the subdomain you specified. Also, the link checker respects the robots.txt protocol now. However, if you need it, you can disable this option and thus force it to check pages that are out of scope of common robots. It is your call. The output of Website Link Checker has been improved and several bugs were fixed in its engine too. All these make our Website Link Checker extremely powerful tool.

    The second tool that has been improved significantly is our Password Checker. We have implemented several new algorithms that simulate smart attacker's approaches to crack your passwords using brute-force methods. This means that the evaluation of some types of passwords is now much more accurate. Our password checker should now give you better (i.e. more accurate) results than any other online password checker that we are aware of.

    Plus many minor tweaks here and there. And this is just the beginning. There will be much more in 2013 and we are pretty sure that you will say Wow! more than once during this year with Online Domain Tools. And we just can not wait to see that happening. Happy new year!

  • 12.11.2012Google+

    We are now on Google+ too! If you like us, feel free to give us +1.

  • 06.11.2012Admin-friendly improvements & Facebook

    We have implemented support for users without Javascript. Most of our tools benefit from Javascript but many of them can be used without it. This is a good news for all administrators that can now use Nmap Online, Nping Online, Traceroute Online, and other tools even if they work with a browser that is forced to have Javascript disabled or does not support it at all.

    The second news is that we are now on Facebook. Hit the Like button to become our fan in Social Networks section on the right. Or, recommend any tool you like using the Recommend link on each tool's page.

  • Starts!

    Welcome to! We are truly happy to present you the very new online set of tools. Many free and useful tools are waiting for you to satisfy your everyday needs. Enjoy your time on our website and feel free to contact us in case you need a help, want to share your ideas with us, want to suggest an improvement, report a bug, or just write something else to us.

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