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  • 05.05.2013Permalinks and Runlinks
    We have just released a major update to Online Domain Tools. Besides many minor fixes and updates, there are three important features that have been implemented.
    1. Domain Monitor has been rewritten to work with our recently improved Whois engine. Previous version suffered from several minor issues that dramatically lowered its usability. From now on, this tool should work perfectly and reliably, just as you expect.
    2. Most of the tools now contain so called Permalink feature. This allows you to share your tool results with other people with just a single link. Each Permalink has its own expiration date, which allows you to control for how long will your results be available on our website. This feature is available through the blue chain icon.
    3. Most of the tools now contain so called Runlink feature. This allows you to create a link that will run the specified tool with arbitrary arguments of your choice. This feature is available through the blue play icon.

    With these new features your Online Domain Tools experience is going to move to the next level. And of course, stay focused, because there will be more. Thank you for using Online Domain Tools!