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  • 29.10.2013Huge Upgrade
    We have performed a major update of Online Domain Tools. Here is a list of the most important changes:
    • New hosting – Our server has been moved to a new hosting. This is crucial for us since our old hosting experienced downtime every other day. Not only that we believe there will be no more downtimes on our new server, but it also has more resources than the old server and it should thus provide better user experience to all of our visitors.
    • Mail Blacklist Checker – We have significantly improved the speed of this tool. We have also removed some nonfunctional blacklists and added many new blacklists.
    • Domain Availability Checker – Performance of this tool has been increased significantly.
    • Nmap Online – We have upgraded to the latest Nmap Scanner version 6.40. Support for several new scripts has been implemented too.
    • Website Link Checker & Sitemap Generator – An experimental support for IDN and Unicode URLs has been implemented into these tools.